
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This script is aim to take in a BRep polysurface solid for generating a laser cutting file.
It can handle hollow forms, cantilevering masses and can generally take more complex geometry then the usual section plane-section curve algorithm. This is because of an operation which determines the middle point for notch/slot to happen, instead of the usual fixed height notching.


  • Ideal script to generate massing models for complex geometries.
  • It uses a global coordinate grid to determine cutting plates location, which allows two adjoining form to be baked separately while cutting plates matching across the two form.
  • Best used in mm scale.

This is not a simple script, not intend for general purpose.
The script still relies on solid Boolean operations, thus limited to what Rhino 'can Boolean'.

I'll add more description about the script later when I have more time.
I attached a form testing file, which you can play with some forms that I've sketched.

This is my first post, suggestions and comments appreciated.
Inspired by David Fano's Parametric Truss script.



waffle_20101228.ghx, 1.6 MB is the latest script (hope it works on GH0.8)


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Excuse my ignorance but how do i turn on section curves? How would I then fix the surface? Is it a problem that it is this shape?

Please see new attached file with the latest model I want to waffle

Thanks for the help




Hi Stuart, 

The section curves are in the Grasshopper definition (Brep-Plane intersection). You can also use the Section command to inspect your surface. The problem with your model is that you are offsetting the surfaces inward. Offset them outward, and you should be ok. The definition should work for any solid.


Ok so i press preview on sec (which have turned red) and it shows the curves which make up the model, what then? How would I fix the surface?



Sometimes when I set the waffle to a shapes it only does half of the components of the waffle i.e. just the y components. Any clues why this happens



You will need to rebuild your model. The problem is with the object you are trying to waffle, not the definition.


I have been using this for ages and for some reason the baking of the solids in the model has stopped working! It shows the grasshopper model but when I go out of ghopper having baked, nothing is there!

It is just creating little flat squares where the cuts are? I have tried downloading it again and the same thing has happened! It may be something on my rhino?

Horrendous timing as I have a crit this week!



First, make sure your surface is not recursive. Turn on wire-frame and look for places where the isocurves double back on themselves. It will look like the surface is folding. This would be a result of using a tricky technique in generating your solid, like offsetting a surface.

Then, two suggestions: 

1. Try downloading a fresh copy of the definition and using that.

2. If that doesn't work, post your file. It is really hard to troubleshoot without seeing what you are working with.


Thanks Rob again for replying, It has been sorted. Thanks for your help using this awesome definition! I will leave you be now with all my questions. I attach a model I have made for your interest


thx a lot, this script rocks! this is my treehouse-waffle  

Cool, the feel of the burnt cardboard edge works with the tree.

i got crazy doing this 3d puzzle of my pedestrian bridge, cause the laser did not engrave the numbers on each slice :)  my fault, i love your script!

Hi Anton,

Thanks for sharing, lighting looks cool.






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