
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I was wandering if could be possible to add some kind of checkbox component to play easily with variable (in check state) but controlled set of values. It could be the "distant cousin" of the actual value list component. I lnow that using a mix of other components is easy to make this (using boolean toggles, extending a value list component to every combination...) but I think that it could be helpful in some tasks.

Best regards and thanks in advance.

Views: 1504

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So it would be a like a ValueList but with all values on screen at the same time?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

And you can check more than one value at the same time. 

If I have a list of values like "0,1,2,3" I want to check sometimes "1,3" and sometimes "2,3"...or any combination. The component returns a list of values linked with the tags I checked (this follows the same logic than value list One(tag) = 0.23(value)...).

Thanks for the fast reply :)

The Value List now has 4 display styles:

  1. Dropdown (default)
  2. Sequence (left and right arrows)
  3. Cycle (left and right arrows with wrap-around)
  4. Check List (multiple items can indeed be selected).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Arrfff!!! As fast and accurate as always :) I really appreciate this.

With this idea about implement the changes in current components (avoiding component overpopulation) could be great to expand this to boolean toggle to be able to deal easily with multi-boolean inputs like Cull Pattern and other stuff. Simply using ZUI you could add or remove toggles.

Best regards.

Hmm, interesting idea. I also just added variable parameters to the Addition component and I hope to include a great many more.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Other tip/wish/think about this: could me interesting to make some kind of bi-dimensional multi-toggle to deal with pattern-based components and data trees. Rows represent index and columns branches. If could be possible to configure the name/number of output branches, could be very straight forward to mix several bi-dimensional multi-toggle to deal with complex data trees. Could be very funny to create patterns with those components :P

Hi David, 

I would like to kindly ask you for a hint, how would I create value list with true/false values I could to turn on/off by click (like checkbox) My aim is to cull points by these true/false values. 

Thanks som much, 







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