
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, 

I am working with a large scale doubly curved surface that I want to panelize with a standard triangular component. When orienting the component to the surface, I do not want it to distort in an way. I want the component to remain the exact same so as to ease constructability. Is this possible? more importantly is this possible within a short timeline?

I have been working with some bounding box panelizing expressions and have not been able to stop the component from distorting. 

Any input would be much appreciated as I am a new comer to GH. 

Thanks much

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wait, I have to fix some things


right on. I am new to GH, so I might have some questions as I attempt to remake this expression. 

ask i you do not understand something...

the basic idea is to generate triangles with the angles (90/45/45 degrees). The efort is you can cut the panels out of glass without loosing material. The main problem is that you have to handle non linear/parallel gaps between the glas panels. Construction firms like Seele or Wagner Biro do not care about the geometry. They need parallel gaps. I think this is ok in the sence of costs. The details can be quiet regulare and the steel construction below it can be optimized, which can be good for the cost as well. Nice examples are the facades by KnippersHelbig (myzeil, cuty sark or westfield)

Alright here is a super basic question, how do i get it to map onto a doubly curved surface i have made? 

I saw that  Arie-Willem de Jongh did it with hexagons, though I have no idea how he did it. Take a look here. He started out from a paper and figured it out. 

I changed just the start. Use the U and V slider to control the isotrim. The result of the isotrim must be nearly a sqaure to get usefull triangles.

I got it to work, looks good. Thanks again. cheers






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