
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I created a planar surface with some curves as perimeter, then I transformed it into a mesh like the one in the example provided.

In kangaroo I set the perimetral points as anchor springs and some points at the center of the mesh as normal anchor points. I want to recreate a kind of "domed-catenary" roof structure. The simulation seems to be correct besides a crazy error at one side of the mesh where the deformation doesnt stop and keeps going ignoring the forces, stifness etc...

What is the problem? It seems to be a recurrent one  so I think I´m missing some point. Thanks, Andrés.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Andrés,

It looks like the problem is something to do with the AnchorSprings - I can't figure out exactly what is going wrong yet, but in the meantime, you can get around it by using AnchorXYZ, or standard AnchorPoints shifted slightly from your perimeter points, and attached to them by zero rest length springs.


Hi Daniel, 

Thanks for your time, your definition seems to work but the perimeter it´s a bit strange because. I found that if I replace the weavebird component "weabird mesh component" with the kangaroo´s one "springs from mesh" all seems to work fine nevertheless the data seems to be the same (???)

Does anyone know a way to get  round mesh border, like circles or waves , a nurbs aproach alike, because all the borders seems to wrinkle and get distorted when I simulate a catenary system. I don´t know how to aproach correctly this.  :(






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