
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I' m trying to populate a surface with a component and I m using a box in my definition, but the problem is that it has a non square base...
I'm posting the definition, what i would like ( it 's a quick sketch in maya) and what i got in GH( geometry is not clear due to a change in the sliders, but i do now how to manage that, but, what i do not like here is that all the components are next to the others(due to the box method) loosing the rhythm of my maya modelling)
How can i do it????

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Hi Marysol,

one method that might work could be the following:
write or find a definition that constructs a subdivision of a surface with full loops. Any definition with meshes or full diagrids like here will work:
or see a lot of beautiful methods here to get inspiration:
Then, you could construct twisted boxes based on these curves and use them as targets? Could this be a way forward?

- Giulio
Hi Marysol, hi Giulio,

This question made me curious because it seems there're different possible approaches to defining the rythm of those dumplings...for example:

a diagrid pattern:

or a brick pattern:

Maybe you could try both...

Here's the definition for the second one:

(the coffee stained part is where the shifting happens)

looking at the above image i set a def called "Uneven subdivision" of a NURBS surface, controlled by random intervals.

you can find it at:


looks great! i will try it as soon as i can! thanks!!

hi Jacek,

I am fairly new to grasshopper and wanted to make a flowing brick pattern on a flat surface. I modified your definition to achieve this, using a graph mapper for this distortion. when i create polylines from the deformed points, inspite of the polyline being open, the last points of the row join with the first, to form a rectangle. this creates an extra planar surface which i want to delete. i tried culling every 12th plane(for a v division of 12) but nothing happens. 

I cant figure out where i am going wrong. Please help!

Hi Snigdha,

The culling probably doesn't work because of the data structure you have. It looks like each item has a separate path so you end up with 1-item lists.

The easiest solution is to simplify the data tree and then use path mapper {A;B} -> {A}.

If the above explaination looks like jibberish, then just post the grasshopper file here and I'll fix it for you.

Hi Jacek,

Many thanks, that would be so helpful!! Here's the definition:


here's what I mean:
Attached def (GH 0.9.0014). There were errors on loading, so I had to make some changes to the definition. It's probably better if you just recreate the last bit with these three new components.

Btw, if I understand correctly that you're trying to get polygonal "bricks" then I don't think your method will work. I've seen in the def. that you're making polylines from control points, which will give you strange results, because the CP of the curves don't coincide with the intersection points of adjacent blocks.

I think you should try to build the def. from scratch and draw those polygons based on isocurve divisions instead.


Thank you so much! yes you are correct, the intersection points dont match.

I will try to work on your suggestion and revert with what i get.

thanks once again!

Thanks to both!!!
Yeah, i had a version of a diagrid but i could' n t link it to my definition, i will definitely try with this others..and the brick one seems to be exactly what i wanted since it is how i built it in maya...
i will try both tomorrow as soon as i can






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