
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using Galapagos to produce a schematic massing model. Galapagos tries to position programs based on a linear relationship while maintaining square footage for each program.

Used this process for my class project. Below





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Hm, is that in case when both of these two voronoi points were on opposite edges of your location plan?

Hi George! we've been working on an architectural project, initiallly using your script and finally understanding a little more about it (by the way, your comments have been useful even when it's not for us). We send you a preview image about the project but actually we have a question about yours. In the final steps, after iterations, it looks like a 3d voronoi applied on the model, is it? or how do you get the last shape that appears in the render?

Thanks for your answer!


Hi George! we've been working on an architectural project, initiallly using your script and finally understanding a little more about it (by the way, your comments have been useful even when it's not for us). We send you a preview image about the project but actually we have a question about yours. In the final steps, after iterations, it looks like a 3d voronoi applied on the model, is it? or how do you get the last shape that appears in the render?

Thanks for your answer!


The final output from Galapagos was just a massing model. I chose the result that had the highest fitness then edited that on my own to build out the storefront glass, doors, and other architectural stuff nonsense like girls standing under umbrellas and birds that people like to see in renderings. 

No, it's just because I wanted to bring distance (or adjacency) into my fitness and needed to a way to scale it on a 0-1 scale. 

Not sure I understand you, that last part.
Thank you thought, for your time and patience.


I have attempted to replicate your model in grasshopper using my own site plan. I have outlined my site plan and zoning box in the attached .3dm file to show you. I am trying to work out something very similar to yours except I need different input figures for space delgation. Would you be able to describe to me what you have done here or perhaps why my model is failing using your .gh outline file?

Thanks in advance


The definition places points on a xy grid, or really it's a uv grid but either way. If you evaluate your "build able site" with this definition you will notice that a large part of the time the point falls off of your surface, thus causing a null result.  

how to get around this:

1. add in a definition that states if the point falls off of surface then re-position that point at the nearest to perimeter of your surface. 

2. Fake the surface. Trick grasshopper into thinking that its a four sided surface. See attached file

I think with #2 you may run into some strange results every now-and-again but who knows, give it a shot.


Im Sorry if you already answered this questions previously, but you have a space for zoning box as well as build able site. What is the difference.  If the spot that you labeled as build able site is the only place you can build why does the definition allow for the building to extend beyond it into the outer box perimeter?



Part of the project brief for this project allowed for the expansion into future sites. I was messing around with if at one point due to a professors request. You are correct in that really the bounding box should be as tight as possible to the build able site. In the case of the posted files here, the bounding box really becomes the build able site do to the fact it is larger. Sorry for the confusion.   

Ahh I understand. Thanks for clearing that up.



I am trying to do a similar circumstance and let Galapagos organize my program volumes based off of a square footage, my floor plan foot print, and the distance between each.  I am having trouble getting the volumes to be the right square footage as well as staying within the given outline.  Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.








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