
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Field Not Found: KangarooLib.ParticleSystem.m_spring_upperCutoff

I am having an issue with the latest version of kangaroo (0.085). So far the solver component always throws the error "Field Not Found: KangarooLib.ParticleSystem.m_spring_upperCutoff". This happens even when I try to run recent example definitions, like BoxCollideDemo. I'm also having this problem on two different machines.

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Hi Andrew,

That sounds like there is an old version of the KangarooPhysics dll being referenced by the gha.

Can you see if removing any old versions from all locations helps ?


Hi Daniel - 

I've removed all copies of all previous versions of Kangaroo, but to no avail. Any other ideas?


I'm pretty sure the problem relates somehow to mismatching versions of the gha and dll, because the upperCutoff parameter for springs changed between recent versions, and that's the only reason I can think of that the gha would be asking for that field from the library but not finding it.

Can you check which folders you have listed when you type GrasshopperDeveloperSettings from the Rhino command line ?

Also - remembering to unblock both gha and dll, though I'm sure you've tried that.

Weirdly, the file wasn't in any of the directories shown under GrasshopperDeveloperSettings - but I did have an old copy in my downloads folder. Deleting that and then restarting rhino did the trick.

Thanks for the help!

Great, glad that sorted it.

It is strange though - I'll have to look into whether it is Grasshopper finding files in locations where it hasn't been asked to look, or something in the way I compiled.

Grasshopper loads GHA files from the following locations:

  • %Grasshopper%\Components\ (these are my own GHAs that are installed along with Grasshopper).
  • %AppData%\Grasshopper\Libraries\ (this is the default 3rd party GHA folder, if you install a GHA by dragging it onto the canvas this is where GH puts the file).
  • Custom Assembly Folders (a user modifiable list of folders to include in the search for GHA files).
  • Rhino RHI Folders (all folders containing RHI installations). I don't have much control over this, but basically if a plugin was installed using an RHI installer and that folder contains *.gha files, I load them.

DLLs however are not loaded by Grasshopper at all. At least not any more. When a GHA requires a DLL and Windows cannot find this DLL, then a system event will be raised and whosoever wants can jump in and voice an opinion about where to look. RhinoCommon has one of these assembly resolvers and apart from providing the RhinoCommon resolver with the folders from which I harvest GHA files (operating under the assumption that required DLLs are stored next to the loaded GHAs) I'm not involved in that at all.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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