
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello !

I have a set of intersecting curves (not lines) and I want to create a grid out of them . 

Any ideas ?

Thank you 

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I uploaded a file. 

I am actually trying to deform a grid in order to fit it in an already existing shape (in urban design project). 

 the grid should be deformated following the geometry of the boundaries. 

Perhaps it is stupid , but I thought that I could draw the curves that follow the boundary and then create a grid out of them 

Thanx for the help.. I really appreciate it 


one approach may be to look at paneling tools.  that would allow you to create a grid of points from intersecting lines.

in rhino:

Paneling tools->create paneling grid->intersect grid of curves.  select all the curves in one direction, then all the curves in the other.  This will create the grid, with clean data structure.


in GH:

paneling tools->grid->intersect curves.  reference in the u curves in one parameter, then the v curves in the other parameter, plug them in to the intersect curves component.

thank you very much . I will try it out 






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