
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello grasshoppers

I am in need of matching multiple surfaces with the same uv orientations. I know I can do it in rhino 1 by 1 with flip and swap uv but, is there away to match all of them at the same time?


Cesar B

Views: 2741

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Cesar,

if you know scripting then there is the possibility to call the method Surface.Transpose which is the equivalent to rhinos command swap uv. So you might compare the principal direction of each surface by vectors and then gradually decide wether to flip or not the surface.

There is no GH-Comonent that does the swap at the moment. So if you need to enable this just copy following line in a new C# component:

A = x.Transpose()

you have to set the input x to Surface...that's it. I've attached the example.

Cheers FF



 Thank you for the response. I am unable to open the definition you sent me it gives me an error I am running the newest gh. Any suggestions on how to open it?

Hm strange...i can hardly assess what went wrong. Can you please describe the error that has been displayed or post any screenshot?






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