algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I was navigating through the galleries and found this relatively new images by the member Luis Oscar.
I tried to reach him but i couldn´t get any answer so im trying here at the forum.
The images are found here and here.
I just loved the volume he made and i just can't figure out how to get to this kind of volume. I searched a lot about voronoi and voronoi 3d but i don't know if that´s the way. I´m relatively new to grasshopper, but i had made a project in 2010 using the software but it was an easy waffle definition.
Can anyone help me and give me some light?
Thank you!
try this
wb needed
Although I would say, how do you think it was made process wise. That's the best way to think about it. I can think of a million ways to do this. But if someone said here's this shape now make it. What would your logic process be, thinking without grasshopper. Write that down then use grasshopper to execute it. I highly doubt this guy just randomly arrived at this. He probably put some thought into the end result before hand ect. most likely based on specific program. Here is a vid of some volume experimentation I was exploring based on wrapping.
I would say Marios def is very close.
hello everybody!
im very pleased to see so many contributors and im glad for your help.
i´ve tried Phillip and Mario definition and im starting to see how is the logic to get the volume im trying to achieve. The Mario´s definition worked better for my case but both answers are great and helped me.
Michael, thank you very much for your support. This proccess is just what im trying to take a glimpse. I know where i want to get in terms of volume but i dont know the tools to get through it. Your video is very nice and its another possibility for getting these prismatic volume. Could you share your definition?
I have another doubt. I want to populate (is that the correct term?) a terrain with those structures. Is that possible? i have the terrain already modeled.
Thank you a lot!
you should give it a try, post your definition then ask questions where you are stuck. Thats usually how things work around here for best results :) I cannot post the definition as i still has bugs that I do not like ;)
Following the advices from my friends here i´m uploading my model and definition.
I want to use Mario´s definition to populate a lofted surface.
I´ve started by dividing the surface and making some boxes (as you could see), but my thought was that after making the boxes i could put the voronoi3d BUT my computer simply crashed after that LOL.
I´ve tried to reduce the number of boxes before getting it to voronoi but i was unsuccessful too.
Well, here we go!
Hi all ...... sorry for the late reply.... but i haven´t see this one....
As Michael well saids... theres a lot of ways to do it... the thing is to know several tools to achieve your goal....
Let me explain the composition on this particular project.... firts my design process begins with the relation between space and function, so i perform several arrangements, packing them.... then after several conditions get satisfied, like , i´ve started to generated points according to the centroids of my previous spaces.... using the 3d voronoi component generate pieces like crystals..... and finally some WB.... as u can see, lot of possibilities and elements were generated... like and aggregation process....
hope was useful.....
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