
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello! I want to make space between the parts of a 3D Voronoi. It should look like "exploded" - but i cant find a fitting operation for it. could you help? :-/

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Heres the file.


tadaa... made by hand with "scale" in rhino ;) thx for the idea

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Hi Dedackelzucht,

can you show me how to attach color to your definition.

something linke that!

How do you like this,


hi dedackel,

you can probably read thoughts?
yes i have also decided for colored pattern. But...
i'm not sure Whether the pattern in your example satisfy the function of shading?
and i don't know, how to work with color to fit it into this logic (porous structure)?
the range of colors: from white to yellow, orange, red. to black
is not so nice, saying, does not match to the design of the house.
So there for it should only show the material what carries this pattern.

So my question in yours case:
i think that the picture of you must be thought as invert,
so that it's become functional as well. if you thought this as invert,
than you musst icrease the surface division,
so that the rays of the sun can be disturbed to penetrate the house.

that is a good the example:

in your case, the function of the patterns would get parametric significance.
where more sunlight, consequently a denser pattern, and of course vice versa.
therefore, the attractor should be the solar/sun system.

What do you mean, i still see a version of you?


the variation that i tried, is a closed surface.
if you apply an Ornament to a Surface,
then this has, in this case, a design statement.

therefore, i am of the opinion, that the variation of the pattern, on the respective Surface, do not really make sense, since this is indeed Ornament, and provides no useful function. but it should still not be boring, and thus arouse interest.

therefore, i will opt for a pattern, Say a pattern for all Surface.
simultaneously the coloring should bring more Varriance for expression.
Here is my question to you:

1 how you can improve the definition?
2 What options do you know to vary colors?


see attahced other pics

I do not know where your building is going to be built, but this could be direction the protection could go.


interesting idea! is it possible to define the angle of the partial extrusions? please post the def.


here you go. I just defined it by the z value of each Polygon.







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