
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Labelling exploded items with a seperate parent tree structure.

I am trying to label some exploded items with parent tree structure - even though the items are derived with a sub mask.

What I have done:

I have internalised external points and created Polylines between groups of the points - to form a triangular grid, i.e. using paneling tools : Panel Connections (PTMPanel). Which provides a data tree I am happy with, especially for use further down the line.

Making a list for some of the panels to be measuresd and compared externally (to export data to an excel document from them). I have exploded a number of the polylines to get a perimeter around an area of panels for further analysis; Meaning I have bored down into the tree structure further to single items within the panels and groups, and want to get back out... with the branch and tree structure still intact? Or re attach it so I can label and sort items in line with parent tree structure.


Can I map the exploded items back into the parent structure without writing a script? and by using the Path Mapper - or could it be that I need to use Replace Branches..? (If so what are the scripts to use with these to get the results I am after?)

I thought this might be a useful post - As I might get a neat solution and in searching for solutions to this. I brought up some pretty ambiguous discussions, that seem to me, to skirt round the subject.

If I am approaching this in the right way : I am looking to get the result {B;i} from {A;B;C;D} (i). To use the result as both a Tag for the drawings and as the data structure for export to excel - that is in data that links the two columns.

The paths are where 'B' = panel number and 'i' its exploded component line - which will result in an item number of either, 0,1 or 2 attached to the parent panel number.

NB/  The tree structure i have used from Dispatching, leaves groups of four items, (I see this coming from the paneling tools component) which might need to be in a straight integer series list, instead - as with flattened parent panels.

This is where I have got stuck this time but have attempted many various other methods to no avail.

Hope this unveils a tricky area for those, like me that are more visual than scripting programmers in GH.

Views: 1812

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I am not quite sure I understood your question right, but here is something which might help:


I am eager to see but can you upload it again - it doesnt want to dowload.

Trying again


Thats just great - Both Find Domain and Split Tree are introduced to me in an example I have knowledge. Super.

I will observe, learn and repost your teaching, oh Pedagog.

Okay its the "Create a data tree branch access path" Or  Create Path (Path) where it all stems from, literally.

In short you can use the Create Path (Path) component to make 'items' branch addresses... Which can then be used as a mask and split the daddy tree (Split tree). Enabling the items futher down from this to be drawn and tagged using the overall structure, whilst only using the geometry from those branches. Neat.

Using a shift of a the partial mass additions, to create the domain split is genius.. I will have to absorb that over the next few days me thinks..


There was one other element to my question: Can I get the item number of the exploded items attached to their respective panel numbers too?

Which leaves me with the question how do I change a branch address to an item address? i.e. to give a list as below.

Panel 0 - Edge 0 - 2240.37
Panel 0 - Edge 1 - 2380.17
Panel 0 - Edge 2 - 2800.72

Panel 1 - Edge 0 - 2242.74

Decompose Path & String Join... I suppose I could quite simply use a comma to delineate these figures too - neat.

Thanks for your time in explaining to me and in the forum- both advanced and fundemental elements of Grasshopper.






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