
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys, I would like to put in column some shapes, no idea where to start. I would like to insert a slider to define distance between shapes too. Is there anyone that could help me? Thanks a lot.

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I am not sure, if this is what you want:



It's quite right what u did ... the only thing wrong is the alignment (points are "central", right alignment is with the up left corner in column) ... it would be great if it's possible to choose points  to align. Many thanks Phillip!! 

The area component does your reference point. Just substitute this bit for whatever point you want. With Polylines you can use e.g. controlpoints, which you would sort by lowest x and highest y in your case. 

Do it!! Thank U very much!! ;-)

Damn ... if I use an unclosed shape this is the result ... what I have to do?!

Maybe this will help:


Hi Djordje, does it work with unclosed shapes? 

Yes it does.
Just assign all curves (walls along with windows) into a particular "curve" parameter related to particular story (floor).

It's amazing your approach. But I need to select ALL FLOORS (0,1,2, ..., N) with ONE selection (not one by one). Is it possible? Thanks a lot for your support.

Hey djordje, Entwine gets you around the pathmapper/data param at the very beginning.

@landscape.  As long as you cannot define any sorting/grouping logic for the curves, there is no way to solve this for general cases.

Could you provide a complete definition? I'm curious if you would really need the GeometryCache and whether there might be a way to generate a way of grouping from the very beginning of your def.

Thank you for the tip Hannes.

This is my definition with 2 examples: With closed shape no problem, with unclosed shape there is a problem. I would like grouping as you can see (but there will be more than 2 groups).

As you can see in the 2nd image, when I bake it i can move it in Rhino Window.






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