algorithmic modeling for Rhino
do you have problem sorting your points to get the curve ? maybe a bit more specific or a gh file would help to understand your problem..
i have startet by sorting the points by thier height on z-axis. so that i am able to build floors. i want to build floors at the height of the lines, wich the white circles label.
i hope you unterstand my explanation:-)
Thank you pyrit, it worked out great. but now there is a problem that the mesh is not following the curves. they hang over it.
would be great if you can help me fixing it!
another issue is that i want to extrude the floor in z-axis to give them thickness.
Hallo Florian Frank,
thank you very much! Did you mention that the nurbs surfaces hang over on the first two levels? I cant found the reason for that... Can you please help me with this issue?
ur welcome,
the first 2 levels have a self intersection and the others don't. Is this what you ment by hang over?
Due to the straight extrusion the first two levels have the top that overlaps with the facade and is sticking out of the surface. This you can avoid by another method:
Also I think it's not necessary to do all that stuff with the points and making polylines ect.
Sectioning through the surface is enough to get clean just have to have a clean loft (that is closed) to do so...look at the example attached
...and now you can do two intersections which enables you to always stay on the exact border of the facade with your floor levels compared to the straight extrusion from the example before
cheers & good luck
Very nice thank you again!
its much better, because now you can generate more than 5 floors. it makes sense but i didnt understand the part with the intersections completely. :-D
where do i have to connect them? in the loft part or in the part where the double eight is created?
you can simplify this even further by using the contour components.
@Tim: I didn't understand you question. Which connection don't you understand? The "Brep|Plane intersection" component has to be connected to the loft, where i set the loft options to "closed". The other settings are to get planes which are on the floor levels to do the intersection on the Brep.
@Michael: I first wanted to use the contour but in this case it's just complicating things.
Cheers FF
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