
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi to everybody and happy new year.
I was wondering if there's anyway to export from rhino to 3dmax, without transforming everything to meshes?

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There's a plugin for 3D Max made by nPower:

Probably your highest quality option. Typically the only formats which support Nurbs are IGES and STEP, occasionally RIB as well. If those don't work I'm out of ideas.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks David. I'll try it out.
If I understood you I should export for rhino to IGES or STEP format. And after use 3dmax plugin for import?
Thanks again

3d max is a mesh tool.  It does have a weak nurbs implementation, but even that is reduced to triangulated meshes in the end.

I agree, exporting as an obj or 3ds from rhino does not intelligently break down your surfaces to meshes.  You can pay for npower's option (which I hear is great) but your best bet is to break your surfaces down into quads, meshing it within your definition.

When I know I will be developing something to export to max, I almost always plan to define the way it will be meshed out.  Generally only working with curves until it is time to craft meshes.  I recommend MeshEdit's mesh from points.

Paneling tools is also a great, great option.

If you have little experience in a meshing program (3d max/maya/softimage/c4d) then defining the mesh yourself might be a steep learning curve.

Good luck!






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