
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A quick question just on what direction i should be looking for my solution. It involves what tool is best used to transfer data from grasshopper to revit. (not geometry). 

For a small sports facility i have 5,000 seats, they exist in Revit (there are a few types of chairs). I took there locations into rhino/gh by exporting a dxf line in each of their places. (i used a line instead a point for both position and orientation)

With this i used the 5,000 seat locations and orientation to create a seat colour pattern layout. What is the best way for me to input this colour data back into revit seat family. So that the existing revit seats take the gh colour?

What would be the best way for me to attempt this? Geometry gym, Chameleon, Excel (lunchbox? Ghowl?)

 Thank you

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Hi Nick,

Maybe one of the other bridges between grasshopper and revit can do this, I don't know.

I am working on "revisions" and updates of revit objects at the moment, and believe some time soon it will be possible to provide this.

How will you define the color attributes in Revit? As different family instances or a parameter?



Thanks for the feedback Jon. To be honest, Revit isn't my forte, so i was hoping there was going to be some Solve-all perfect solution. I was thinking along the lines of family instances. 

I found a a plugin that utilizes excel data to parameters in Revit, called Whitefeet. Which it turns out is Mario Guttman of Hummingbird, small world. So maybe that will provide the answer.

Thanks again, i look forward to seeing revisions and object updates.







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