
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, I been trying to create a pattern like Mondrian's painting (random grids of different sizes in GH but I always tend to fail to do the rest. I am trying to build a hierarchy but I found it difficult to continue to divide the grids I got into subgrids. Does anyone has any idea how I can complete the rest? Thanks a lot

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In other words, my next intention will be divide the lines with the intersection points. How should I do it?

ye, proberly. Instead of the evalute curve could you maybe use the divide curve. Maybe making it easier for you. Is it going to be a random splitting of lines, or they have a specific length ?

Just random. The thing is how can I define more lines out of the grids? Cheers

The problem you will have is that this is a recursive process and you will not be able to fully automate it in basic Grasshopper.  You will have to keep adding components depending on how many lines you have initially and how many divisions you decide to make in any of those lines subsequently.  You would be better served to just do the drawing in Rhino directly.

Just keep adding the grouped components to add more lines and divisions but you'll hove to go unpstream and downstream to make manual tweaks every time you change some input.


Hi Ivan,

Chris's solution probably uses better logic.

Here is something less advanced:


Really nice djordje

what about using the substrtae component?

Wonderful Mario.
I was not aware of that component.
Thank you.

What a simple solution! Thanks for everyone try to solve my problem. Swear to god I will need more exercise to challenge myself. i REALIZE learning a new tool can make my life so much easier. Cheers






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