
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to generate some pattern over my 3D shape but stumbled on some task. 

I want  to do something like "isotrim" and divide domain on a surface but on my closed geometry. It doesn't work. I need the grid on my object to continue with work but can't handle it. Seems to be small problem but impossible to go further :) 


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Isotrim requires "surface" as input, and what you have in here is a polysurface.

Exploding it, will result in two surface, where you could subdivide each on of them with the same number of modules in both directions:

btw, the second "Item" component uses "1" as index. See the attached .gh file.


thanks Djordje. It works. Im trying to ramdomise also the set of points on surface using populate geo. I wonder is it possible to control the radius of balls using "random" as in GH file but also with the angle of curvature of surface. In acute angles I would like to have the smaller balls. Is that possible? 


In this situation the part inside the sphere would be built with smaller balls than on the big ball

Hi Kuba,

Try this:


Thanks Djordje for answers. It is very helpful. 

I still have some problem with that. Is it possible to make the radius transition more smooth? My aim was to make the spheres small on more acute angles-  in place where the inside object suddenly goes down and also on top and bottom of the big sphere but very smoothly. In this algoritm I can't control the smoothnes of radius transitions. Am I right? 

There is also one more problem. When I give very big acount of spheres on the  object  the very big, separate ball appears on the top. I have no Idea why. 

Try this:


Yes! Thats what I was looking for. Thanks djordje

I have last question to this geometry. I'm going to print that in 3d printer. Lots of spheres are flying separately adn are impossible to print. Is there a way to connect somehow (smoothly or not) bals or their center and boolean them to make one joined object? How to operate the lines to connect only "flying" object?? 

That inner "tear shaped" part might be a problem.
You can use the 'solid difference' component to cut volumes of small spheres that immerse into the big one.



I was thinking about the conection  similar to that in the drawing (just the example). Red ones are something like pipes connecting the points of centers of the spheres. The green ones are the "bridges" connecting the surfaces of flying objects. I neen to connect them to make the print 3D possible. Maybe the connection of all points will be enough and then boolean them in some way to make one object ? 

What are "flying objects"?






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