
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I've been using Grasshopper for a while now, but Treestuctures still don't come that easy to me. I need to create a three dimensional point grid, where every row has a specific place in a tree. I want the first row of the first layer to be at {0;0;0} the second at {0;0,1} ,etc.. The first row of the second layer should be at {0;1;0} the second at {0;1;0} ,etc.. I guess this isn't that hard to acomplish, but still i can't find a proper way.

I would really appreciate your help!



Views: 481

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Hi Ralf,

Try attached file.
It works for exactly the same amount of points in rows and columns (4 in one direction, 3 in another).
If you want to have a definition which will adopt to any other points layout, then just replace all components grouped in pink (three of them) with "Partition list" component. Also input the number slider grouped in red, into "Partition's list" "S" input plug.

As you did not specify whether you want branches to be "oriented" towards particular axis (X or Y) there is an option to choose that too.


Hi djordje,

Thank you very much for your reply!

Your definition works perfectly fine. But only with a preset number of levels. Is there any way to achieve this in a way where I can control that number of levels?

Thanks again,


Try this.
I am using an older version of grasshopper, so I could not insert the "Partition list" component.
But I drew you where you need to insert it, and to which plugs you need to connect it.


Wow this is awesome! Just the way I need it to be!

Thank you so much!






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