
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am new in this forum and with this program too.

I am really confused about how it works and I have to do a very simple model.

I have to draw a volume just like a shoe box with a window only using grasshopper functions.

How Can I do it? Anyone has any suggestions??

Please help me!

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Something like this maybe?


Not exactly...The shoe box should be a room like a volume while the window should be on a single surface (in my case a vertical one) like a hole (like the image attached)

Do you have any idea how to do it?

Like so:

Two definitions are attached below - one with a single window, and the other one with three ones.
You can control the size, size and position of every one of them. Bake component is grouped in red block.


I dind't think how difficult it would be for you know some tutorial that could be help to do this kind of stuff??

Thank you very much for your help!! ;)

Unfortunately I am not aware of such a tutorial. Maybe there is one.
Be sure you read the Grasshopper primer pdf book. Download the English version from here.

Or Italian from here.

It will clear up much of thing that bother grasshopper beginners.
Additionally you can check out some other grasshopper books and video tutorials from here.

hallo...I am sorry to bother you but This programme made me crazy!!!

I have another question...if I have a just a single surface and I want to do a hole...what should I do?

thank you

Something like this maybe?


Yes, but if I want a rectangle should I use the rectangle function from the following path: curve>primitive>rectangle (create a rectangle on a plane)?

I tried to modify your file replacing the circle with the rectangle but It doesn't work.

Yes, that is the name of the component.
Here is the edited version.


I tried to make a model as the one you made the first time starting from my elementary knowledge about Grasshopper . I was trying to find a different solution of the problem, but of course mine doesn't work. I attached the file below, could you please tell me what's wrong?

I am really thankful for your help


I am using an older version of grasshopper at home, so I can not open your file.

Maybe  this extension is the right one







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