algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi at all,
I would like to "invert" my geometry. What I have, is such a fractured structure (closed breps), what I want to have, is the space between the pieces as geometry.
I tried to use a Box and the SolidDifference-Component, but it makes no sense, because the pieces inside the box are not affected.
Hope there is a simple way to do so.
Thanks you guys.
general yes, but in my case the pieces are not connected, so the pieces which not touching the exterior, are not affected...
Check out my definition. Group all the pieces.
I see. I have just tried something and did not succeed.
I thought that dividing the bounding box to a partial ones, will do the trick, but in the end it appeared that these partial boxes must not union, as it will result in Rhino's empty interior space again. It's just the way Rhino works (solids are in fact hollow).
Sorry you might try finding solution from a more experienced users.
the way rhino works is if its all the way inside then it cant do anything some part must touch the exterior, as rhino works with everything being hollow. If u imagine u have a sphere inside a box with no edge touching then without even doing any operation it can already be considered an inner shell of the box.
Just make sure (when meshing), if you want it to work as a void in a solid, that the normals of the void geometry must be reversed.
Modeling wise (using surfaces or breps) it doesn't really matter. It matters in things like trying to render solid glass, simulations and so on.
It only really matters modeling wise if you are going to work with meshes (like using the _meshbooleandifference command).
True, I believe the normal flipping also matters for some 3d printers.
There is no solution. It is what it is. An object being fully inside another is the same as if it where cut out. Think about it.
Yea, I think this is what djordje was attempting, Breaking it down into smaller masses.
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