
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Guys,

I'm new in Grasshopper and i hope someone can help me to solve my problems.

I generated DLA lines and wanted to pipe all the lines with an attractor so it looks like roots, on the end the radius should be around 0 an at the beginning around 0.5.

I have two Problems:

1.How can i make the pipes flowing from one line into another without breaks?

2. How can i change the radii of the pipes with an attractor?

I hope someone can help me.

Thank alot


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this is not what I want. If the points are to close each oher the radi of the mateballs become bigger. then it looks like a ginger tuber. What I want is that it become thinner to the end, like tree roots and that the radi are depends on an attractor. I tried the metaballs plug in and with that I can´t develop a mesh or a brep depending on the curves.

custom meatballs work fine via attractors. They are not a plug in just standard components. You can then mesh the meatballs via mesh from points. Alternately you can dive into Millipede plug in for meshing.

ok i will try it.

Doyou have some alternatives to metaballs?

I found a way to complete my intention. I tried the other ways but dont come to an end so tried another way.

Here are my results, if somebody have a better way so show me please.






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