
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I ave a open mesh of a surface and the group of points that I had used to create that mesh. I need to analysed that mesh for curvature. 

How can I trasform that open mesh in a nurbs? Or create a nurbs From that grup of points?

Thank You

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Hi Guido,

Is this what are you looking after:


Delete all components left of the "points" parameter (you will see, it is grouped in purple block) and plug in the list of your points, which you used to generate the mesh.


Hi  djordje,

Thank you for your example, but my problem is create a surface from points or mesh in Grasshopper an then for the visualization I prefer use Rhino.

Do you know how can I do that?

Thank you

Just right click on further right component in definition ("Mesh colours") and Bake it.
If you want to render your mesh, than you need Maxwell render plugin, and this plugin too:

If I recall it correctly (I read it somewhere on forum), you can not render the mesh using V-ray.

Maybe  I didn't explain well... 

What I have is a bunch of point (that represent a nodes of a grid shell) and a mesh built on it. 

What I need is a Nurbs because I have to analyse that for curvature. So I decided to use rhino curvature analysis tool ( because I don't know other similar tools).
Thus how can I get that nurbs? 

Thank you

Now I am confused.

When you say "analyse a surface for curvature", do you mean get a visual presentation of a surface curvature?
Because that is exactly what upper attached definition does.

If you want to have this visual presentation on nurbs instead of mesh, like this:

then use the file attached.


Sorry if I had made you confuse... 

But maybe we are on the right way... Your definition can be close to what I want but I have to ordinate my point because now it give me a crazy surface ( see fig. 02).

So how can I ordinate point to use you definition? As you can se in Fig 01 they have that strange order.

Thank you


Why can't you attach the .3dm file?

I am using Rhino 4, if you are using Rhino 5 then save the .3dm file in Rhino 4 format.

partition list or surface from points depending on your data structure.

Good Morning...

 @ djordie 

I attach the baked part that I want to change.. 

@ Michael 

I get this point from a form finding technique so I can't change their partition list before. I have to start with that in that order and try to make it better...  

Do you have any suggestions? 

You forgot to attach the .3dm file.

Yepe Sorry


If this is not working, than do what Michael said, he is a grasshopper expert.







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