
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The Planar srf component icong gives the false idea that it will perform a "Curveboolean" operation in case the input curves do meet end-to-end.

I remember there was a component that performed a CurveBoolean operation, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

Another example of misleading icon is the Curve-Curve intersection component.

It will only perform intersection of two curves, but the icon shows three curves.




Views: 751

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I think the curve intersection icons are updated in 0.9xxx

I think there was a discussion like this before, but I can´t find it anymore.

With CurveBoolean you might think of Region Union, but It only works with closed curves.

Something like the Icon you could solve like this:

There must have been a shorter solution though, but where is this discussion...?

I also wanted to do it with the new Multiple Curves (MCX), but got a little confused about the Outputs. I think reassigning multiple Parameters on the same curve takes more effort, than eliminating t=0 and t=1. Please prove me wrong.

Hi Phillip,

This is EXACTLY what I'm trying to achieve right now, except I have more bunches of curves like this to process.

I also tried to use MCX, but this thing is like the Rubik's cube for me...





Hi Olivier, 

sorry for the late response, but I´ve been absent for a while.

So in case this is still of relevance:

Your definition seems to work. You just had two little issues:

1, If you use an Integer param you are not changing the value by just calling it different.

The upper field is just the name of the component, which can be anything. To change the value you must Set Integer.

2, To group the curves which belong together the easiest way is to just flaten and join them.

Then it looks like you want to do the offsets always in the same direction. You can achieve this by making two offsets for each curve, sorting and culling by length.



This is the new one.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


both icons are changed now.






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