
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, is there any possibility to simplify this algorithm.

Basically I want bundles of lines and I want to intersect every bundle individually with breps.


Hopefully someone can help me out ;-)


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This is how it looks like right now

Hi Robert,

I might not understand the concept, but if you just want to get all intersected curves inside of brep, and all the rest ones, outside of it, then you do not need to pick each one of them separately in order to trim it from the brep. Like this:

Is that what you need?


i am sorry for my bad explanation ;-)

basically i want to know how much intersections/intersectionpoints have every line from the first point, second point, thirt point...

in words:   

point "0" is connected to 10 points --> 3 of 10 Lines have an intersection with the brep

point "1" is connected to 10 points --> 5 of 10 Lines have an intersection with the brep

point "2" is connected to 10 points --> 2 of 10 Lines have an intersection with the brep

I actually got this information but as you can see the algorithm become pretty long

I think this might be it:

Point, node, it's the same.


oooh thank you very much, that was extremly helpfull. Thanks! =)

Just one more question. What is the use of the Path Mapper there? Couldn't you connect the simplified "Data"-Component directly to the list lentgh? ;-)

Oh i tried it with multiple Breps and that doesn't work. Do you have an idea how to fix that?



Ah i have solved the problem by flatten the points of the other curve. Thank you again!

I did not see your reply on time.
Glad it worked.

do you know how to use Cross reference component ? 

maybe can be a way

i cant prove it now cuz i dont have R3D + GH here at the office  but maybe you have to take a look what crossreference do 






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