
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody!

I use grasshopper since 2010 everyday at the academy and at the practice i work for.

I never understood an important detail on branching logic and i think it's time to solve it.

As the image shows, the point at branch {0} match the points at branch {0;0} and the point at branch {1} match the branch {0;1}.







ok, it means that it respects the order of the branches ignoring hirearchy. for me, this makes more sense:







How can I make it work this way?

Thank you so much!

Views: 926


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Victor,

you are correct in thinking that the actual values of branches don't matter, they are simply matched one to one in order. This is something that needs more functionality in the future but I haven't yet figured out how to add this functionality without it being an expert-user thing only.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

David is this classic "Long list" data matching?

everything matching items in lists are longest list unless you change it

*djordge, what David said is what i meant with replacement without having the proper terminology.

Nope, Longest List has to do with matching individual items inside lists. Whereas here we are talking about which lists get lined up. Though the way in which lists get lined up is similar to Longest List matching. There has never been an alternative in Grasshopper though, this behaviour has been there since DataTrees were first introduced.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you for the replies.
Does "lists get lined up" mean: matching lists?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

good to know.

usually datatree is the most difficult part to teach and learn. I always spend as time as needed on it, otherwise anything else makes sense.

and it's the most powerful element on grasshopper.

I share your confusion about this matter. I usually work my way around it using the duplicate data component. Perhaps not the best way but it usually works pretty smooth.

yeah, this is how usually I solve it. And since now it worked fine to me.






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