
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wrote a VB component years ago for this hypar origami project using the older style that is now labeled Legacy. My code's imports started like this:

Imports RMA.OpenNURBS
Imports RMA.Rhino

I notice the new ones start like this:

Imports Rhino
Imports Rhino.Geometry
Imports Rhino.Collections

So when I try to run my old code:

Dim vertexList As New List(Of On3dPoint)
Dim ribList As New list(Of OnLine)
Dim spineList As New list(Of OnLine)

I get these errors: 

Error: Type 'On3dPoint' is not defined. (line 93)
Error: Type 'OnLine' is not defined. (line 94)
Error: Type 'OnLine' is not defined. (line 95)

So this is probably a really easy question. Can I still use the OpenNURBS library or do I need to rewrite using Rhino.Geometry? If so, where is best reference for that?

Views: 568

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As far as I am aware, the OpenNURBS library cannot be referenced in the new scripting components. The corresponding types of the ones included in your error message are as follows:

On3dPoint -> Rhino.Geometry.Point3d

OnLine -> Rhino.Geometry.Line

The Reference for the RhinoCommon SDK can be found here:

So should I cross OpenNURBS off my list of things to know about? It is dead now, or does it live on elsewhere?






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