
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I guess you already assume that I just need more RAM memory, but in any case I will post the screenshots of what is happening during this error issue.
Just to mention that definition itself is huge.

So while working, I am first getting this error message:

Then when I click on "OK", I get this error message:

When I click on "Close" I get this one:

Then these three error screens repeat for a couple of times, and in the end I am getting a grasshopper with red canvas:

I am using 0.8.0066 version (yes, I know I need to update to the newest one, but some components I have do not work with 0.9+ version).

Any help with this?
Or do I simply need more RAM?

This is my PC configuration:

Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1800MHz
motherboard MSI P4M890M3-V (MS-7255)
2x1GB DDR2 266 Mhz
ASUS EAH4670 512MB
Direct x 9.0c
Windows XP SP3 (32bit)

It might sound strange, but is there a way I can avoid buying new PC or RAM memory?

Maybe by deleting the Panels and Param Viewers?
I might be wrong, but I think the error starts when you cross over particular part of canvas (or definition to be precise) where there are a lots of Param Viewers.

Thank you.

Views: 1931

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Ram + the higher ghz per core the better (not many cores)

Also, what components are not in .9gh? I find these breakpoints are handled better now in the newest version. At least for me it seems its easier to abort.

Thank you for the reply Michael.
Karamba components from the older version are not compatible with 0.9+ grasshopper.
There might be solution with the newer version of karamba, but nobody seems to reply on my problem at karamba group.

So one core is better that few ones? Is that what you meant by "not many cores"?

not better, I'm saying the number of cores does not matter. The amount of ghz per core does.

see here

It's actually unlikely to be a memory problem. GDI+ (the platform I use for drawing the canvas) has very poor error messages and often claims something is a memory problem. If you were really out of memory then Rhino would have been shut-down by Windows and you would not have a chance to see some nifty error messages. I also suspect that all subsequent error messages are caused by the first one.

It is most likely a software bug, not -repeat not- a hardware problem.

If you can get this file to consistently fail on display, I'd like to have it so I can try and repeat it here.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you for the help David.

I deleted all Param Viewers in the definition and for some reason it worked.

I will let you know if problem appears again, and post the definition here.

I am apologizing for taking me too long to answer.






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