
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi :)

Can anybody help me out with a simple loft? I have these two polylines that I have to loft together but I cant seem to understand why the component turns red and there is no loft appearing. I think it is a problem with the top polyline.. Can anybody tell me if there is another way of doing this??

Thank you so much! 

Views: 3178

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Can you upload the files to see...

I think that could be of the trees... first Line should be (because i don't see) in the (0;0) and the other Line is in the (0;0;0)...

Here are the files! That could be true but I dont know how to fix it! :( could you help me out please! 

Thanks so much!


OK.. its the trees...

i don't know what you want to do but the easiest way it to flatten.. with the flatten component or with the Path mapper for example..

See the file attached.


Explaining... loft component only will loft geometry in the same branch. For example:
(0) with (0)
(0,0,0) with (0,0,0)
(0,0,4) with (0,0,4)
And never (0,0) with (0,0,0,0,0) or (0,0) with (0,1) because are in diferent branches...

Yes that did it! Thank you so much! 

Hi vmmv, 

I was just wondering if you could help me out with another question! Im really sorry bit this is all so new to me! I want to create a cap for the lofts but for some reason I cant achieve this through the cap component. Also I wanted to make the lofted geometry a surface but the Surface component turns red when I input the Loft component. I'm guesssing it has to do with the original problem of the trees, but I flattened it and nothing happened! Could you please help me out? Thanks so much!


Could you send me the files to take a look.. by your description it's dificult...

Yes of course! Here are the files 

what I want to achieve is: 

1. Create a cap for all the lofted masses. 

2. Make all of them Surfaces that can be subdivided (like an isotrim) so that inside each subdivision a sphere forms. 

Thanks so much! 


Hi babym...
Sory but i couldn't respond before... i don't know if it is too late but i will respond...

The Cap command will not work because the cap that you are trying to do is not plannar.. To cap that surface you will need a mesh or something like that...  Search for something like: "mesh from points"...

Try the delaunay triangulation component (from points)... and after use trim or booleans (intersection, difference..)...






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