
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, 
I am fairly new to GH, and just familiarizing myself with the tools and so forth.
I have a landscape/surface midtern coming up, and i know this look is far beyond what i can accomplish considering im a beginner, but hopefully someone can show me how i can get close to accomplishing this form.
I have attached a couple of pics of the form/pattern i am looking for.

Thank you! 

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A very brief starter for 10:

Have a look at the Voronoi Component. Found on the Mesh Tab. With the Cells that get output either scale or offset them and fillet the corners and you should start to see some results in 2D you can then remap this to the curved surface of your landscape.

Hey danny,

Thanks for the reply man, i deeply appreciate it.
I have done that, i guess i shouldve specified on my post. 
the issue i am having right now is how to "remap" it, and how to "cut out" those patterns through my surface (as shown in the first photo)
I have used paneling tools and tsplines but they do not give me the effect i am looking for.






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