algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I would like to get your input on how to propose to use Grasshopper in the professional workplace.
Any suggestions, publications, articles, links, videos..etc that highlight the benefits of using Grasshopper for the project applications listed below would be greatly appreciated...
I have been working with Grasshopper for about a year, but have not had an opportunity to use it in my professional work until now. I am currently working on two projects that are a well suited for a parametric design approach and production workflow:
Auditorium Renovation (750 persons seating capacity)
Multi-family High-rise (Approx. 1 million SF gross floor area)
I am in the process of putting together a brief presentation of the potential benefits of using GH both in Design and Production (we do Pre-Schematic - CD's in-house) to present to the project team. The team is definitely open to new strategies and if I can produce a convincing argument to implement a Rhino+ Grasshopper + Revit/Cad workflow for these two projects, I believe it will help transition our Firm's Design and Production approach for future projects that are deemed suitable.
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance,
So far my knowledge of relevant projects includes:
Nathan Miller's published work with NBBJ:
(The Hangzhou Tennis Center: A Case Study in Integrated Parametric Design) + (Parametric Strategies in Civic and Sports Architecture Design)
Particularly, the set of parameters developed to generate desirable viewing angles. This will be a convincing argument to use GH for the Auditorium Renovation.
Lava: Laboratory for Visionary Architecture Snowflake Tower
(Multi-family- Unit Mix, Floor Plate / Unit Mix Subdivision, Variable balcony depth, Real-Time Area calcs, fl. to fl. heights, No. of Floors, Lofted Curtain wall generation, paneling etc.)
Anything like this would be very convincing as a model to present to my team for the high-rise residential project.
Important to mention GH is also just another modeling tool, but more advanced. Many people use it and it is not so obvious. For instance where I work I often use it to make programmatic relationships, stairs, window openings, structure ect, and the relation of these items to one another. But as a result the end is not obviously parametric, mainly because it doesn't have to be :)
Really interesting topic :)
My experience tells me that if you want to deal with complex geometry and its construction parametric design is the most efficient way to go for the initial steps, later a more detailed BIM/CAD development will be necessary. In common geometry projects a BIM approximation is always desired, but trying to find a good reason to use GH could be a little bit forced situation if you are not really comfortable with GH parametric design workflow yet. There are some interesting thesis using GH for optimization purposes or other stuff.
It could be interesting to link the parametric model to an analysis software using GH (for example, Ecotect, FEA software, etc...)....
There are lot of possible workflows to choose and develop...the important thing here is being confortable with the tool and use it to make your work better and easier (IMHO).
Prilsaam glist de oude glonder door de groene gargelgloft met aan ’t schoer de Olle Groevert, stram als een schaluinen kroft. ’t Lijkt wie aan de wal z’n eek spriet als schoof ’n kroet vol oes voorbij. Maar al wie Groeverts moeve poon ziet die schiet ’n schombel in ’t lamij.
-John O'Mill, 1977-
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
"Double Dutch appears English, but it cannot be fully understood without knowledge of Dutch,..."
Google translate, you failed me.
That actually isn't Double Dutch, it isn't even Single Dutch. A good example of a DD poem by John O'Mill would be
If, with all your grand decorum
you hope to fool me, piece of scorum,
you must be badly in the lorum
or, if sober, plain crank yorum.
With music blaring from your car,
in the keelsog of your great cigar,
I know you snob for what you are
a loud-mouthed, vulgar poon-barbar.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I thought it was strange when it said it appears english.
So the reason it won't recognize half the words is that you're a really bad speller?
If it's not single dutch then would that make it freaky-deeky dutch?
It's just nonsense that sounds like it might have been Dutch. I wanted something that Google Translate would totally choke on.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I don't speak freak deaky dutch
Michael + Ángel,
Thank you both for your interest and response. I believe what you are both getting at is that it might be a good idea to introduce Grasshopper as a tool to cover some of the inefficiencies in an already established workflow. For example, rather than model the entire Auditorium project down to the mill-work in the adjacent lobby, you might focus that extra time generating a definition that allows your team to evaluate the viewing quality/ sight-line obstruction for different seating configurations.
I did some research on this the other day and found an article published by SHoP Architects on their blog...
Here is another study published by the Design Tech Studio, LMN Tech Studio of LMN Architects...
As well as GH as a tool for interior acoustical cladding/ finishes / paneling...
I haven't had as much success finding precedents where GH was used as a tool in a Residential/ Multi-family design/production workflow, so if anyone is aware of such documentation or is willing to share a personal project I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again,
As for the whole language barrier thing, as long as Google Translate understands it , I'm good with it...
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