
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any way to use Karamba with Rhino 5 ?? If so, could someone give us instructions to install it ?


Views: 4623

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Hi Sebastien,

Karamba just works on Rhino 5 32bit. It doesn’t work with the 64bit-Version.

Maybe you need to check this.



Karamba 0.9.084 now also works with Rhino5-64bit.



Hi karamba guys  I am going through something similar:

this is shown when trying to load the latest Karamba version on R5

An error occured during GHA assembly loading:
Path: C:\Users\Lorenzo\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries\karamba.gha
Exception System.TypeLoadException: 
Message: Method 'DrawViewportWires' in type 'Karamba.GH_UniformlyDistLoad' from assembly 'karamba, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.

I have installed Rhino5-64bit evaluation and trying to install the 64bit but it would not load it when I drag the gha into gh. 

I was one of the early followers. I have tried to dis-install manually the old .dll and reinstall the .msi but  but unsuccessfully. Any  help?

thanks a lot


do you also have Rhino4 on your machine? Why did you use '...\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries' for installing Karamba?

I have both Rhino4 and 5/64bit running side by side and two copies of Grasshopper - one in each Rhino plugin-folder. With this configuration Karamba can be installed two times: as 32 and 64 version in the corresponding GH-folders. Maybe this also works for you. Make sure to remove all Karamba vestiges from the '..\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries' folder.



Thx Clemens, 

dis-installed all versions, clean up from all karamba's files and .dll.

I have monitored what's happening...when I install the trial version for R5-64bit in the suggested directory the above directory is empty. When however I drag the .gha component into R5-gh it automatically creates a file into C:\Users\Lorenzo\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries\karamba.gha.

As result Karamba does not load...

the error above remains, unfortunately unsolved... any help?thx a lot

I have tried them all, disinstalling all the Karamba versions. Installing them (FREE/TRIAL) for R4 and/orR5 with no success. Updated R5-evaluation, updated GH. 

Any help appreciated!


Do not drag karamba.gha into R5. Install Karamba 64bit in the suggested default folder. 

Do you use Rhino 4 and Rhino 5 in parallel or just Rhino 5?

Are there any error messages in the Rhino text window?

HI Clemens.

I cannot manage to make karamba work on Rhino 5 64 bit. Did somebody reported something similar before ??



What is the error message/problem? Please give a description.

Did you make sure that the installation-file has 'x64' in its name?



Yes I installed the x64 version. It does not give me any kind of error message, it just don't load it. 

I tried installing it inside the Rhino 5 plugin folder rather than the Rhino 4 one and updating the source folder at grasshopper developer settings, but still nothing happens. 

Also looked if the file was blocked, that happened to me with many other plugins when migrated to Rhino 5 but it wasn't.



Do you see any error messages in the Rhino message window upon loading Grasshopper? Did you install GH twice (one for Rhino4, one for Rhino5)?

There is no error message.

I just installed GH once, actually as a solution I tried yesterday installing a second copy of GH  for Rhino 5 but it never gave me a chance to select a different destination folder. It was just overwriting it again. 






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