
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

We have developed a new Revit Add-In to support Importing OpenNURBS (Rhino *.3dm) files directly into the Revit project environment.  This is part of the CASE Apps project.  

The current release supports most 3DM Curve types and is still very much a work-in-progress.  Future functionality will included form creation tools in the Family environment.  

Instead of keeping it to ourselves, we'd like you all to try it out!  

I also have a post on my blog with some resources to get you started....

Go on... Don't be shy!

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Excellent GH - Revit

Exciting news!

Great Job, Thanks!

Nathan hello there any way to export these as walls Breps to revit?

Thank you for your work!

You could try the Revit mass ~!  or the Geometry Gym BIM plugin.


It appears that this plug in creates new line geometry in Revit each time its run. I'm curious if the future releases might offer an ability to update existing lines. For example, if lines were imported into a mass family, walls hosted to that mass would only update if the original lines were maintained.

I'm working to link some of the master planing abilities from GH directly into Revit for preliminary tests with other building functions and elements.


For this general purpose 3DM converter/importer, the only real way to track an association like that would be by relating unique model object GUIDs.  However, those get assigned in Rhino after Grasshopper objects are baked and are different every time.  So even if the importer was keeping track of relationships based on GUID, it wouldn't work in the case of GH.

If you have a specific system in mind, a more customized API tool for working with your GH system and data set is more practical and efficient if you want updating capabilities.

I can not access the link $ / FreeAddInManager / CaseRevitAddInManager.application

So it's not a free plugin?

There is still a free beta version for Autodesk Vasari if you want to try it out.  The Revit version is available for people who purchase our subscription tools.

well, it would be great to have a trial version, so that we can try out the software first..... thanks






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