
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys
i have done a big search before posting and i am still struggling to achieve what i need to do, im sure its a simple matter of im using the wrong node of something like that.

Basically what i have done is extruded a hexagonal shape, exploded it and i am now trying to get the individual points of the inside of the hexagon. I have used the list item for that and that works fine, but the problem i have encountered is that the item index 0 and 1 need to be swapped (as you can see, the two points need to be swapped to create the proper hexagon shape

thats how my script is looking so far

any help would be appreciated



Views: 1130


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try discontinuity
To elaborate, explode the brep to get an edge, use the discontinuity componentfor the curve option menu, this will give the ordered vertices of the hexagon

You can sort in K input the list of a number value only (for example X coordinates) and in the A input the corresponding list ( the list of points). In your case try to use Sort Points from vectors tab....






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