
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I need to orient a list of surface on a horizontal plane. Each surface "contains" lines (from 1 to 20 lines for each surface) which are drawn on it.

I would like to orient all the lines with the surfaces they are related to. To do this I need to sort the lines in groups (one group for one surface) and then to orient them with the same command that i use to orient the surfaces.

How can I sort the lines in order to create such a list ?

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Thank you so much for your help Peter: indeed making a test on the begin and the end of the curves work very well.



@ Michael Pryor:

About the points:

I think I am starting to understand the way they were used: For the horizontal circles, a point was used as an origin of the XY plane. And this is what grasshopper always does, if we do not address a specific plane - it just assumes XY plane is the one we need with the World plane (0,0,0) origin. If we input just the points, then componets again "think" that the XY plane is the assumed one, just instead of (0,0,0) as an origin, now we have this points as a origins.

Similar thing happens with vectors:
If we input points into the component which requests vector, the Grasshopper automatically "assumes" that these points are end points of the vectors, and the start point is (0,0,0).

So the basic-school example of your definition should look like this:



I am not trying to act like smart, I am sorry if I may sound like that. I just need your confirmation on this, if it is correct or not?

looks good to me, I think grasshopper always assumes origin (0,0,0) unless we instruct it otherwise.

Thank you for the reply and confirmation Michael.

As a beginner, a lot of times, I get confused when this "assumed" solutions were you used.

But I guess I will get used to it, during time.

Thank you once again.






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