
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to "put" any pattern on the waved surface


Is there any universal way to put flat patterns  (hexagonal, heptagonal and others ) to put them on the waved, irregular - non flat surface? 

For example:

Views: 50274

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If you're willing to allow deformation of the original patterns (as in allowing the straight lines of the original patterns to curve along the iso grid of the surface) you could do this easily in Grasshopper using the Surface Morph component.

But if I don't want allow deformation of the original pattern how could I put the pattern on the curved surface?

Hi Riccardo, have you found a way to do that ?

map to surface

HI:  Just a small request for those of us who aren't as familiar with the icons.  Could you post this with the "text" labels rather than the icons?  It's hard searching through the tabs to find out what they mean if you don't use them regularly.



Here are two ways to do it (left is "map to surface," right is "surface morph").

thanks, dont have my comp right now to put a text screenshot.
see NYCCTfab has posted it as text. Also in general alot
of people will post with the icons, reason is some lables repeat and also some people dont read english so well. Plus they are beautiful :)

Yes, it's important to become familiar with the icons for the reasons Michael is listing plus the text will waste a lot of screen space, particularly in more complex definitions.

I usually use text for personal usage (you can change it naming components as you need) but always teach with icons because is easier to store in mind images than text, and some components repeats the name (extrude).

Hi  Ángel

I wouldn't rename components unless it's a basic param. I've found it more difficult to follow other peoples definitions when the names change as I cannot grasp the method at a glance. Take this for example

There is a minuscule overhead by having some extra params on the canvas but it is next to nothing as there is no re-calculation needed.

I like to use group naming due to the minor inconveniences of using collection components to identify objects (duplicate geometry, extra data branches, etc.).






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