
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I want to split one brep with another brep using split method. No matter how I scale the cutting Brep to make it big enough, the result is always empty. 

What's wrong with the geometry? They seem to be valid using IsValid property.

What's the most robust way to split one surface with another surface? Actually, I just want to split one surface with another. 

I have attached the file below.

Thank you!


Views: 1572


Replies to This Discussion

I face the same issue with region intersects curves/curves, no error message, yet the result is empty.

Using Rhino 5 WIP, GH 8.0065.

Any suggestions appreciated

Hi Jerome, your input brep seems a bit odd. You should try to rebuild it...

Thank you,

The problems is, the input brep is actually the result of the previous brep split command. Which means the result of the brep split may either be null or odd...







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