
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to create random points on surface to generate voronoi pattern?

Hey all, 

I have a pre-defined geometry in which I want to have random points to generate the voronoi pattern. I tried couple of things and search for couple of previously asked questions, examples etc but I couldnt get to the point yet. Since I have very limited internet connection at the moment, I wanted to post my problem quickly to here for you to comment. 

I got the random points on top and bottom line and when I tried to connect them what I have is like cross reference connection but what I want to do is to match these random points one by one with direct lines and define random points on those lines and generate voronoi out of that. Actually even tough I did that, voronoi didnt work out. Some cells started to overlap. Anyway as a result, I got many options; you can see one of them attached. You can also see the sketch of what I try to do.

Can anyone suggest me a way to do that? Maybe I need to change my approach to get the result that I want?



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Dear Nazli,

Good to see you are finally readapting the Project to your personal work!

I quite didn't understand what you where trying to achieve yet with the explanation, could you be a bit more clear? Also, could you please post the file itself?

From the conversations we had, I guess you are having problems figuring out how to create the voronoi pattern inside a certain region... I have created a small file with an example for that:

Hope this makes thing a bit clearer!


Hey Jose, 

thanks for your guidance. Sorry if my explanation is not so clear, let me try to illustrate what I want to do with a sketch which you can find attached. hehe my original gh folder is little bit crowded but anyway let me add that too. 


Hi Nazli! No attachment yet...!

WARNING: Beware that you cannot attach rar files... post them separately

Oh sorry I havent realized the size of the image.


Hi Nazli.

The way you are creating the random points in your definition is a bit sub-optimal, and generates a lot of annoying redundancy. Check out the alternative proposed in this attached definition. From there on, you already know the inside+culling method.


Hi Jose, 

I checked your alternative way but its not exactly leading to what I really want to do. This is as simple as doing voronoi within surface and lines have no function. But if you check my sketch attached on my previous message, I want to define subsurfaces within whole geometry (one facade) and do voronoi inside, now the question is how is that possible? 


Hehe, I know Nazli, but if I did everything, then the only thing left for you would be layouts! ;)

The previous example is all the wy up to step 5 from your sketch. You end up with subsurfaces dividing the initial two curves. Know if you continue that file and merge it with the first example in this post (the voronoi in a surface), you got it!

Nazli, block out! You are ofuscated! The problem is that NONE OF THE POINTS ARE IN THE REGIONS, they are all around 0,0!!

You have to adjust the DOMAIN of the random components, and remember, they are DOMAINS, not plain numbers.

Sorry I posted the wrong file! So not to confuse others I deleted my previous comment.

Now, my question is why its doing voronoi on the last segment only?


Lists Nazli, LISTS! ;)

But now, you have to remember that you should do different random points for each panel, otherwise, the general arrangement is going to look too regular for you!

The file...







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