
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to subdivide my tree for a few hours, and I'm going crazy !

I must miss something, but I can't figure it out...

Could you help me please ?

I've got a tree with 5 branches of 150 elements each. I would like to divide each branch into 5 sub-branches of 30 elements each, exactly as the Path Mapper is doing on the image I enclose.

The problem is that the number of 30 must be controled by the slider, since the number of elements of each first branch (here 150) is controled by this slider.

I've tried doing it with numerous Series components, and even working with arrays in VB component, but I'm not succeeding in...

Could please someone save my life ? :p

Views: 1226

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or even cleaner

Best Regards


Thanks for your quick answer DeDackel !

The point is your solution works very fine for a one-branch-tree, but only on the first branch when the tree has 5 branches :s

Or maybe I'm (once again) missing something !

Thanks a lot :)

This has always been difficult, especially when the chunk-size is not constant or if you want multiple chunk size (i.e. split a list into sublists of 5, 5, 10, 10 and 30 items each).

I added a Partition List component which will be available in 0.9. Not much help to you right now I concede, but good news none the less.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Oh, this is gonna be awesome ^^
Thanks David !

Until the 0.9 version, I've just managed to split my list, using duplicated domains built from series, and extracting subset from the list.

I enclose a .jpg with my definition, hoping it could help someone.

Btw... Could we have a clue about when the next release is coming ? ^^

I'm working hard on clusters now. It's the last thing that really needs doing for 0.9. Not really sure how long that will take, I'm already several months overdue so I'm not going to make another guess.

Also due to the many changes there will be a lengthy testing process before I dare release 0.9.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

That's okay, no problem, anyway clusters could really be usefull, but I know they need improvement to be effective, and it is hard work. So good luck for that !

Thank you for responding :)







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