algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi all.
I finally had some time to run into my very,very first project with GH this week.
Lots of fun!
Hope everything's running well for all of you, guys...
Thanks to Jose Luis's skills I had some precious notes to make this simple GH definition starting from a blank page and few sketches I made during the camp. Not being skilled yet with GH I decided to make something simple that I can modify with per-defined parameters I want to control.
I have 3 questions about this definition :
1: I have a Shape missing @ the start of my input Crv probably because I used the Shift List so that the first Pt is not include in the set of operations. I don't remember how to solve it (see picture shiftList.jpg)
2: I started from a Rhino Crv to build the global shape for the model and I'm wondering if it's possible to shift all PTs from Top to Y=0 to get a straight Line and/or control the top shape (see picture setY0.jpg) ?
3: Because I choosed a certain logic to build this definition I'm wondering if it's possible to rotate all beams locally on the planes to orient each section according to the local vector on the input Crv ( see picture rotate.jpg) ?
Please let me know if you need more info's...
Rodolfo Santos
Hi Rodolfo!
I got a bit lost in the reply chain... Anyway, see posted the plane error problem: you were trying to orient a plane with a Zero length vector, something non-logic to be resolved.
Also, I have attached an example of how to implement a conditional statement (distance), and how to use that conditional to affect other parameters (length of the cylinder). Please note that the key here is to use the 'larger than' true-false pattern as the logic to select which items and how you want to affect them. Please check Sebastian's post and files, he is dealing with a lot of conditionals too.
Did you solve the moving all the points to the Y axis? Let us know if any other issue got lost in the reply chain!
Yes I finally discovered that I had the mid Vector = to 0 which is not logic indeed, so I changed the definition for that reason.
Thanks for the example, I'll take a look on it.
I found a component called 'RemapNumber' I used to move each points on top independently from their initial pos to a new value in Y. That way I can control the shape of the top line/curve and make some variations on the design.
I would like to know if this is the way to ?
I did a fixed scaling for now but if I can control that with a condition the definition will be more flexible.
6: One last parameter I would like to control is to control the z offset of the mid planes in order to get a similar shape to the input curve used to generate the bottom point.
I think we have to deliver the project soon so I think I will have to stop working on it this definition this WE.
Oh and if I can ask you one more thing : Is there a component that can help to generate the 2D shape/outline of the resulting beams if I want to cut them with a CNC machine later ?
I know people talk a lot about Nest but maybe there's another option with GH ?
Hi Rodolfo,
Well, for moving the points, instead of giving it the remapped value, you could just given it a simple 0 value... Remap is moving them very close to each other, but not on the same line.
6: How is it exactly that you want to control it? Think of the logic, and post an example.
There are some tools to generate toolpaths for CNC milling, but it is usually better to just create the geometry yourself, and then use whatever software the machine has to translate it to CNC orders. Nesting is something different, that is for arranging the elements on a material sheet with the least waste of material possible.
Umm maybe I'm not focused on the right logic, but I want to control these points with a slider so that each point can move from its original position to 0 till it generate a straight line. This because I want to make different version of the model.
If my approach is not precise I should find another way to do this...
About CNC nesting is what I want to do to optimize the use of material + extracting the outlines for the cut process.
I send you the definition I'm working on, hope to finish it today...
Ok, then to move the points so, you can use second day's exercise where we did a canopy out of two curves, remember?
And in your case, because all your elements are mainly rectangular, nesting won't be very useful, since it will just arrange them one next to the other... But give it a try anyway if you think it might work.
I'll try this approach this evening and see if I can get the result you want.
Regards, Rodolfo.
Don't look for the result I want, look for the one you want! ;)
I want the same as you ;o)
A definition with a good logic, I'm not running after something that works. I'm more about how to create a definition that correspond to my vision of this design. I'm facing lots of frustrations and basic mistakes, but this is normal during a learning process. Anyway GH is giving me lots of fun as a playground.
This first definition is not really not satisfying me but regarding to my knowledge's I'm quite happy to be able to find some solutions to make the initial design I decided to do @ the end of the camp. I must confess I did everything without looking @ the definitions on the GH because I wanted to work with GH face to face (maybe not the best option to deliver this project...)
Regards, Rodolfo
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