algorithmic modeling for Rhino
In the next release the Path logic in Grasshopper is somewhat different. I fixed a number of obscure bugs (hopefully without introducing new fresh bugs) and special cased certain operations to somewhat reduce the speed at which paths grow. This may well break files that rely on a specific tree layout, but I hope the temporary sacrifice will be worth the long-term benefits.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
David... Thanks so much for the quick reply, I'm sure your a busy person! This deff helps out a lot understanding the differences and how they are used.... but to clarify a bit
1) If a List can contain everything that a Set can what is the benefit from using the Set?
2) As Strings are simple text, is this just as simple as it sounds or is/can it be representational? Ex. A=5 or A=(5,3,9) like in mathematics and programming
Lastly, 3) Can List components be used to control branches or just the specific items in the whole list? I have a group of data (from the SBox component) that I divided, using the subset length n component from Pieter, into separate branches and I am trying to use the Cull Pattern component to cull the different branches to apply a different geometry to this new group(list?) of data.... I have attached the files and a screenshot.
As always, thank you so much for your help!!!
1) If a List can contain everything that a Set can what is the benefit from using the Set?
There is no benefit. Which is why Sets aren't actually a type of storage in Grasshopper. It's just that some components internally treat Lists as Sets. These components look at the value of the items in the Set rather than their position in memory. This is why the [Item Index] component works differently from the [Member Index] component. Both do something useful although you almost always need [Member Index].
2) As Strings are simple text, is this just as simple as it sounds or is/can it be representational? Ex. A=5 or A=(5,3,9) like in mathematics and programming
I don't quite follow. Strings are text. There is no meaning to them beyond that. However some components/parameter may choose to interpret strings. For example if you plug a string with value "0.5 * Pi" into a number parameter, it will attempt to evaluate that expression as a number and it will adopt the number value 1.5707963267948966192313216916398. If you plug a string that does not evaluate to a number into a number parameter you will get a conversion error.
3) Can List components be used to control branches or just the specific items in the whole list?
Define "List components". Are you talking about all the components inside the Sets→List panel? If so, then no. Components in the List panel do not really give access to the path bit of trees. For that you need components from the Sets→Tree panel.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I guess what I was getting at with
2) is how can a String obtain the value "0.5 * Pi" if it only contains text?
3) Yes that is exactly what I was asking.. Great this is helps!! But now the question would be which components from the Tree panel should I be looking to use to retrieve a cull pattern of branches from the tree? Ex. I have a list of 17 branches with 8 items in each and I want to only access every other branch. Such as a "true, false" cull pattern.
Thanks again
Hi Jason,
I demonstrated a cull Nth Nth approach in this discussion
which sounds similar to your needs
A string can contain any collection of characters. "0.5 * Pi" is just one of these possible collections. So is "0;5 * Pi", which is a valid string but cannot be evaluated to a number. "0.5 * iP" is another valid string that does not evaluate to a number.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Danny, thanks... that helped a bunch.
David, I also realized that I was confusing the "cull" components as being in the List pulldown menu, so that is probably where the confusion on my part was... also, thank you for the help with understanding strings... again I had a confusion here thinking "text" meant "alphabet".... been a long day, sorry
Thanks again for the help guys
I'm guessing this is directed toward David... I think it would be great to put it in FAQ's as that is where I looked first to find the answer, but I don't know how I would be able to put it there.
I'm pretty new to Grasshopper and i'm using it for a unit of my Masters.
The problem is:
I have 2 sets of curve(polygon) data. Set 1 is small building outlines. Set 2 is the plots of land which the buildings sit. There are over 2000 of these entries (Its a small village).
I am trying to figure out the way that grasshopper sorts lists using the sort list tool. I basically want to calculate the area of the buildings and the individual plot sizes and then calculate the percentage of plot surrounding the building (so basically the difference but in a percentage not m2). The basic maths of this is fine, what I cant get grasshopper to do is match the correct building with the correct plot from the the list of 2000 values!! Does anyone know how to do this?
The final stage of the process is to then extrude each plot according to the percentage calculated. This part is also fine. The problem currently is that grasshopper doesn't understand which value to match from each list.
The current algorithm looks like this:
I have tried just sorting the lists but it doesn't seem to be sorting them in the same order!
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
Without seeing the Rhino file it's a little hard to tell you how to solve your problem, but the "Sort List" component sorts the list you input numerically from the lowest to the highest I believe.
Is the relationship of the Buildings and plots 1 to 1? Meaning is there one building in every one plot? or does it vary?
Hi, thanks for your help.
The rhino file looks like this, generally there is 1 building per plot, but sometimes there are more yes.
So each plot and each building is a separate polygon/curve. I have used the area plug in GH which generates a centre point also. I was wondering whether i could match the buildings to the plots by the centre points using distance, but i'm not sure how to go with that either.
If the buildings and plots were 1 to 1 would there be an easier solution?
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