
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Loading Error - "Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c...'

If Grasshopper fails on loading with the error message "... side-by-side configuration is incorrect ...", it means the runtimes on your Windows are not compatible with Grasshopper. This will only happen when running Grasshopper 0.8.0016 or later in Rhino version 4.0 (must be later than SR8). Follow these steps until Grasshopper loads successfully again.

First stage:

Install the Microsoft VC++ Runtimes 32-bit version: vcredist_x86.EXE

Second stage:

Update your Operating System from Microsoft Windows Updates.

Third Stage:

(If your are running a 64-bit version of Windows, typically on a Mac) 

Install the 64-Bit version: vcredist_x64.EXE from the link above. Then install the 32-Bit version: vcredist_x86.EXE again.

Views: 9237

Replies to This Discussion

The message says it all. Download the latest Service Release for Rhino. It should be SR9, you will need your CD-Key that came with your Rhino Installation Disc.

thanks a lot

hey thanks a lot it helped in my case...:)

I had the same problem on several computers... Thank you David, it works now!

Hi David,

I have tried all of the above in various combinations and can't seem to get it working.

I am running Rhino 4.0 SR9 on via Bootcamp Windows 7, iMac.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Hi Ben,

can you confirm that the error message you get is the same as the one on this page. And that the files you used to update the c++ runtimes were the 2005 versions and obtained only from this page.

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the reply. Yes I was receiving the same error message. Decided to install everything one more time and it worked.

Thanks for the help none the less.


It worked.
Thank you very much!

thank you For this!!!!!!!!

I am facing the same situation now, GH not opening !

WIN 10, that´s the problem ???


You're running Rhino4 SR8 or later and installed the redistributables as mentioned?





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