
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

finding the base plane for a curve or surface problem...

I'm trying to adjust my shapes to the planes that I have..yet I can't seem to extract the plane parameter from my surfice/ curve/ god knows works if I put a cone instead of my shape and define these planes as the base planes in the input of the cone..but for some reason  I can't find an analasys tool for inputting a plane on my custom shapes..basicly match the green shapes on the screen to the red it really that difficult??look at the screenshot

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Hi Kipodi,

have a look at Orient Transforms. I think that's what you need.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
no that's not it.. I'm trying to set my curves on the planes recieved from the "evaluate" of the I moved them to the uv points..and now the plane part I'm's placed correctly but the plane is uniform for all of them.. just for example..if I put in a circle'it works because it has an input for "plane". maybe the question is how to add a "plane"input to the curve battery..anyways I hope you understand..I've been working on this for a few days with no result..
my goal is to create a morphed wall with my custom shape on the pannels..put I want my shapes to be with attractor box morphs won't work either..the onl thing I could think of is projecting a 2d grid onto the lofted surface which is a cheap workaround I think,
help would be appriciated
kipodi, I'm pretty sure that David is right. You should use the orient component.
Use this component before you move the curves to the uv points.

First, get the plane of your custom curve. You can use the "Planar" component to do this (it is a component for testing curve planarity).
Next, get the Orient Transform component. You should input the plane of your custom curve, the list of "evaluated" planes on your surface, and then input your custom curve.

This should give you the result that you want.

Also FYI, there are ways of using attractors on the geometry from a box morph.
thanx the orient worked great..I didn't realize it moves the geo as wel and works like the move tool..
anyways as for the box morph I didn't succeed because the morph needs 1 input of geometry..and I have 40 differrent inputs for the hole in the when do I asign the attractor point scale?
I also thought of creating 2 sets on a single curve/ one for the bricks and the second for the holes which are solids that will be trimmed. so after I do that I scale the "holes"which an attractor point..but then it becomes too small because it's a 3d scale so I can't trim I tried the uv scale..but then it doesn't let you select the center of scaling..
You could set a minimum scale value.

And box morph could move your curve to each location, like orient did. You might use it in place of orient.
But orient would be better than box morph, in my opinion.
so say I have an atractor point which gives me 30 differrent sizes for the hole..which hole do I asign to the box morp? I tried inputing all scaled holes directly from the scale factor but it gave me an error
Think of box morph like an extra fancy orient. It takes some geometry and moves/transforms it based on a reference box and target box, not just a reference plane and target plane.

So I would assume that if you were trying to use box morph to populate something across a surface (a common use), that you would use an attractor after the box morph, not before. I'm not sure what else you might be using box morph for.
exactly..but when I do the attractor point scaling after the stretching it becomes smaller and I can't trim it from the original surface. what I need to scale is the curve which cuts a hole through the original block, so every block would have a hole with a differrent size according to the attractor point
Yes. Do the latter. Are you having trouble with that method - scaling the curve?
yes..because I'm connecting an atractor point to the scale..and it gives me differrent values for the hole..but then it doesn't paste them accordingly on the gives me an error
Post a picture of the scaling part of your definition, along with a screenshot of the results, so it will be easier to see what you're doing.






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