
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Divide curve, multiple distances (a,a,a,a along curve, into a,b,a,b,a,b.. along curve).

Is it possible to divide a curve in such a way that it would create points at different distances. For example, the divide distance takes into account one distance, so it's always the distance a between points. Could it be somehow done so that there are two distances, and that the points are arranged in a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b... I would do the length division by evaluating the curve in 0-1, but i haven't got a clue how to do it with distances.

Views: 3202

Replies to This Discussion

The Divide distance component places spheres on the curve and intersects them. The first intersection becomes the division point. This is why the component is relatively slow. The immediate solution is to place spheres with alternating radii. But there's no way you can do this with the current component.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Could you use a "greatest common divisor" to generate a bunch of points and then use a Cull Pattern to get the points you need?

Just to clarify: Do you want the curve to be divided with "Divide Distance" (like David described it) or by measuring the distance ALONG the curve (similar to "Divide Curve by Length" in Rhino)?
(I suppose, if your curve is a straight line, the result will be the same for both methods and my question irrelevant...)

Hello there, I also have a question.... is it possible to put a list for a series of division points in the component divide by distance??  ex 1,3,1,5,1 etc?

hi there,

run into the same prob. figured it out, but i bet theres a more efficient way to do this ?!

2 questions evolved :

* is there a way to assure that random genarated points give a certain sum . eg domain 0-10, 10 numbers which sum up to 100.

* how can a proper order of division points maintained (plz see my definition)







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