
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys,

So I am really having trouble with this exercise...I dont know how to draw curves on the Z Axis to create these similar shapes. We finished our tute yesterday and I dont see the tutor for another week, but she has given this for homework.


Would someone be able to help me work out how to draw this up in rhino???



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email the tut. they all have emails.

Typically in Rhino you always draw on the grid. So if you want to draw vertical objects, you're best off drawing in the Front or Right viewports. You can also adjust the Grid in the perspective viewport to be vertical, but that's more work.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

When you say "on the Z Axis" I take it you mean the closed curves drawn on the YZ construction Plane in the image above.

If so then you can draw them in the "Right Viewport" (opposite to left). You can either make use of the Planar tool (located on the status bar at the bottom of the screen ) which allows you to pick the start point in the perspective view and then draw the curve in the same plane in the Right view.

Or draw all the curves on the Construction Plane and then move them in to place in the perspective view.  






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