
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys this is what I have so far....

I am trying to put circles on the green points on the surface. I want them to define the circle's centre. What do I have to do/change within my definition to get this to happen???

Also once the circles are on the surface I want to be able to cut them out in order to leaves holes within the skin. Is there anyway to do this??


Pavilion Structure


Grashopper defintion.



Views: 1547

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also, for your loft you can just use one curve component and use "set multiple"

thanks mate! thats great help!

Was just wondering...would I be able to put an attractor point in to change the sizes of the radius as the circles get further and further from the midpoint of the surface?


Thanks you think ill have to use that whole formula for my equation??



When I attach the surface to the Surface Split...grasshopper and rhino get a "Not Responding" this usual?? Because I would imagine that it is a big task??

Should I just let it sit and think for a while??




Try low numbers of subdivision. Computation time increases with the square of subdivisions. If this still is not responding, there might be some other problem.






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