
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any way to use Karamba with Rhino 5 ?? If so, could someone give us instructions to install it ?


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Hi Daniel. 

I don't know if it is useful but I think you also should look for Karamba  dll's at the following folder in order to erase them after installing again. They are not only in the rhino root folder but also in the next folder. 


@ Manuel: Thank you, I would never have thought of checking there. I could not find any such files in that folder though.

@Clemens: So, just to clarify, what version should I install where? And from what program should I run it? It is supposed to work on Rhino 5 right? Currently I run Grasshopper installed in the Rhino 4 folder on Rhino 5.

Yes, I am checking that there are no left-over karamba files in the Grasshopper-folder and the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings.

Thank you both for taking your time with this :)

Rhino5 - 64bit: karamba-x64
Rhino5 - 32bit: karamba-x86
Rhino4: karamba-x86

You can install the x86 and x64 version of karamba in parallel. In this case you have to copy GH from its Rhino4 directory to the corresponding Rhino5 directory, and install the karambas in the corresponding places.

To sum up:

I tried to copy the grasshopper-folder from Rhino 4 into Rhino 5. That gave me an error message for have two Grasshopper.dll files.

I then tried to delete the one in Rhino 4. Rhino 5 could then not find Grasshopper, so I manually open its shortcut by selecting a program (Rhino 5) from within the computer.

I then installed Kamaba x64 in the new Grasshopper folder. I still get the same problem;  an error message on the Assemble-component saying that the MAC-address does not match. 

What can I do then? 

Is the MAC-address that shows up in the error message one of those you sent me?

No, it says that the MAC-address of this computer is F0-BF-97-E7-16-1F. It is not the same one. It is strange that this error message didn't show on the Karamba x86 version then? Is it as easy as for you to give a new one?

Thank you, crossing my fingers :)

It's on the way.


I also have problems with installing Karamba. In fact, it does not want to be recognised by Grasshopper at all (no Karamba category appears). I have installed it in all of the McNeel folders I have found on my computer (Rhino 4.0, Rhino 5.0, Grasshopper, Grasshopper components) but it does not want to appear in Grasshopper. I have also drag-and-dropped the .gha file into the GH canvas but nothing happened at all. I have also tried out everything mentioned in this discussion.

Are there any known issues with previously installed third-party GH components that may block Karamba?

I am using the latest Rhino 5.0 64-bit beta and GH 0.9.

Thanks in advance for any help!


the old version of Karamba (0.9.084) did not work with GH9. The new one (version 1.0.0) does.



Is there a download link, the food4rhino site has still 0.9.084? Oh, there it is, freshly uploaded.

I will give it a try right away.

Thanks for the help and for the fast reply!




you can make karamba work in TRIAL version in Rhino 5 by adding manually the path of karamba.gha in 'Grasshopper Developper Settings'

But does not seem to work for the license file...



copy the whole contents of the 'License'-folder to where Karamba thinks it is situated. Karamba gets the path from Grasshopper which seems to point to the wrong location.







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