
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I feel it would be cool if it was possible tu use a definition entirely without the Grasshopper box, and only with the remote control panel.

The goal is to render Grasshopper useful, even for people who have no idea what Grasshopper is, and don't really need to, but could make use of a definition.

To make this possible, in addition to the sliders, there should be buttons to pick the relevant geometry, notes explaining what the definition does and how to use it, and perhaps an illustration.

Am I running through open doors here ? Maybe this is possible already?
I admit I was too lazy to read all the documentation :)

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Hello David,
very cool!!!

One question, as I have used images quite extensively in grasshopper...
I have posted a definition last week:

Just out of curiosity, is this a way you use, too?
This is the fastest way I managed until now.

Hi Marc,

yes, LockBits and Marshal.ReadByte. It's the fastest way to access the colours inside a bitmap. I didn't write an interpolation function yet that will allow you to sample in between integer pixels, but that's not too difficult.

Of course I only have to load the image whenever it changes on the disk, so that part of the logic can be skipped.
Hi David

Which component are you using to create this colourful picture
of sweets.

Hi WT4,

I'm using the new Image Sampler Object, which isn't available yet to anyone else because I only just wrote it 2 days ago.
Fantastic. Will we be able to extract luminance values fromt he image sampler as well?

Thanks David,
It provides colour values. You can then use colour components to extract RGB, HSV etc.

It is logically impossible in Grasshopper to change the data type of an object while it's on the screen, though I suppose I could make the Image sampler a Generic Data type object, in which case I could store both colours and numbers...
I think I get your point: one creates the grasshopper definition that can be used by others (who have no knowledge of grasshopper) through something similar to a "macro" - right?

I really think it would improve A LOT the usage of this amazing resource - grasshopper.
Thanks ehh... Rvzkm.

In fact I think that it would be much better than a macro, because much more user-friendly.
And despite all it's great interface, Grasshopper is still somewhat a programmer's toy, not an end-user one.

I might be wrong, but I think there is not so much that needs to be added to the Remote control panel to achieve this...

Oh ! And thanks for putting the discussion back on track too ;)
My pleasure ;)






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