Hey Guys, I am facing a problem in creating cells (can be a surface or polyline) from a set of points. The points vary for different cells as seen in the pic attached.. Can anyone help me solving this porblem.. Thank u
yes .. its created a triangular mesh using 3 points.. but i wanted to creat a polyline or surface creating points ranging from 3 to 6.. as seen in the image, one cell is created using 4 points and one using 5
you've drawn in a couple of cells, but I cannot see any algorithm that would match your intuition. You need to be more specific about how exactly these cells are defined.
I.e., you cannot just draw a quad, you have to provide a textual explanation about why you connected those specific points in that specific sequence.
Hey David,
I have attached the files of the definition with my doubts.. I would like to know the correct way to approach the desired result..I have also started a discussion about the region difference with my file attached.. Would be thankful if u hava look at it..
Ok, now I understand what you're trying to do. It's a very well defined approach but I'm afraid there's no easy shortcut. What you need is a CurveBoolean operation that finds all the individual segments, or some sort of smart brep|curve trimming algorithm.
Heres the region subtracting file.. there some loading problem with my comp.. so didnt get attached previously.. i really cant figure out why i cannot get to the desired result..
hey david,
i really tried and failed to understand it fully and implement the solution provided in the link..can u pls tell me how do i do this curve boolean operation in my definition..