
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Due to some delay in work with Grasshopper, when I am changing the geometry, I am wondering what precise component of my PC needs to be "stronger" in order for Grasshopper to work better?

Processor? RAM memory? Both?

I have Dual Core Intel 1.8 Ghz and 2 GB of ram.

Thank you for the replies.

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Iam not a specialist, but as far as I know :

For geometry display you need graphic card (thats how 3ds max works, but maybe cpu in rhino is used for this purpose)

For calculations - cpu... but if you have a lot of calulations to do, even newest xeon will stuck..

to operate with large amount of geometry - ram memory.

So :

- if you have a large amount of geometry and some simple operations to do (move etc) first you need to get large amount of ram and second good gpu

- if you have some complicated stuff to calculate - (100 000 of 3d voronoi, branching systems etc.) you need a good cpu

But thats how I see it, not sure if Iam right..

Mateusz is right.

If your Rhino display has a slow framerate, then you're best off investing into a better graphics card. If your memory is not sufficient (2GB sounds a bit on the low side) then get some more RAM. And switch to Rhino5 64-bit if you can, I recommend a 64-bit platform with at least 8GB of fast RAM. If Grasshopper calculation times are slow, then you'll need to get a faster processor BUT note that the vast majority of Grasshopper calculations happen on a single CPU and therefore there is little point in getting more CPUs. Be very careful you don't get a whole bunch of CPUs bundled together who amongst themselves provide lots of computing power.

A quad-core with 3.2 Ghz = 0.8Ghz per CPU. A dual-core with 2.0Ghz = 1.0Ghz per CPU, which is better for Rhino and Grasshopper.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

some instance changes can be done by

- changing the preview mode

- change the viewports what you see only a part of you Rhinomodel

if you work with realy big data you can put only one information to grasshopper at a time, you need a baker at the end of the grasshopper definition

 private void RunScript(bool start, int length, ref object out_number_to_process)

      if(reset == true)
        counter = -1;
      reset = false;
      counter = -1;
    if(counter >= length)
      reset = true;

    out_number_to_process = counter;


and at <Custom additional code>

  static bool reset = false;
  static int counter = -1;

this is for the realy big definitions

Thank you for the replies, all of you.

Michael, can you attach the .gh definition, please?

Thank you.

Or you do now even have to attach it, if you show me how to make a C# component, and insert the code you posted, in it.

Simple pasting the above code in "C#" components "Edit source" window, did not work.

Can somebody show me how the past this code into the C# component?






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